My Response To The Finished Work Of Christ

Colossians 2:13-15 He forgave us all our sins, having cancelled the written code, with it’s regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

It was at the cross where Jesus disarmed all the powers of Hell and not only defeated Satan’s best plan, but he made a public spectacle of that plan openly triumphing over that plan.

He made an open display of the ineffectiveness of the enemy’s best plan for his and our lives.

And that is what our lives are supposed to represent. Our lives are to be an open display of the ineffectiveness of the enemy’s best plan for our lives.

Our lives are to be a reflection of the victory that was won on that cross.

In other words he took away the right of every sin, every stronghold, every addiction, and every hurt, habit and hang up to rule any longer in my life. Sin had a right to rule before Christ came.

It lawfully held me. Alcoholism lawfully held me, anger lawfully held me, bitterness lawfully held me, sexual addiction, fear, insecurity, drugs, and the list is endless--but when Christ forgave me, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me and by the power of the Holy Spirit within me Christ makes an open display of the powers of darkness.

He openly displays their inability to rule and reign any more by setting his people free. That’s the open display!!!

God wants you to know tonight that the battle is already won and nothing or nobody can keep that reality from your life!!

When Jesus said Tetelestai, it was a declaration that whoever would trust and accept what he did on the cross that they would have the same power to disarm the powers and authorities too.

After the cross, sin will no longer have a hold on you. You will have a hold on sin and have the power to overcome sin in your life.

I hope you join us this Friday at Encounter. We are going to talk about, “My Response To The Finished Work Of Christ.”  

I am personally doing the cooking and fixing a nice Italian dinner for everyone. Come early and enjoy a meal with everyone.


Be Blessed and Encouraged

Bill Rieser

Encounter Pastor