Get A Testimony

21 Days of Prayer Encounter at COS Day 4 

Get A Testimony

“…and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11 

Draw The Circle Key Thoughts:

“When God answers a prayer, no matter how big or how small, we need to share it. It’s a stewardship issue. If we don’t turn the answer to prayer into praise, it may very well turn into pride. Sharing our testimony is the way we give God all of the glory. But we also need to share it because others need to hear it. If we don’t share our testimonies of how God is working in our lives, then others are tempted to think He isn’t working at all.”

“Our testimonies don’t just remind us that the victory has already been won; they also remind the enemy that he has already been defeated.”

“I wonder if the lack of awe in many churches is directly attributable to the lost art of the testimony. Churches that see people radically saved are usually churches that allow radically saved people to share their testimonies. Is it any wonder that what gets celebrated gets replicated?”

“When we share a testimony, we are loaning our faith to others. When we listen to a testimony, we are borrowing faith from others. Either way, the church is edified and God is glorified.”

“A testimony is powerful, in part, because we cannot argue with it. It’s irrefutable and undeniable. A personal testimony is our secret weapon, and that’s why the enemy wants us to keep our testimony a secret. It’s not a testimony if we don’t share it with others. If we don’t share our testimonies, we are robbing God of the glory He deserves. And we aren’t just holding out on God; we are holding out on those who need to hear it.”

“We don’t get a testimony in seminary; we get a testimony by being tested. And if we pass the test, we get a testimony.”

“Don’t be satisfied with simply going to church; get into God’s presence. Don’t be satisfied with hearsay; get a word from the Lord. Don’t be satisfied with secondhand faith; get a testimony!” 

Prayer Focus: Read Acts 20:24 NLT, Matthew 28:19-20, and 1 Peter 3:15 and pray for God to use your testimony so you can be faithful to those scriptures. Rebuke the lie in prayer that your testimony is not worth sharing. It is and pray, “I am ready Lord whenever and wherever you want me to share my testimony.” Pray that the testimonies that come from Encounter will be the best sermons ever preached! 

Be Blessed and Encouraged 

Bill Rieser 

Encounter Pastor