Prayer Covering

21 Days of Prayer Encounter at COS Day 13 

Prayer Covering  

Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other. Exodus 17:12 

Draw The Circle Key Thoughts:

Spiritual warfare can be scary and lonely, but I’ve always been strangely encouraged when I encounter increased spiritual opposition or oppression. It means I’m doing something right. It means I’m riling up the enemy. It means I’m inching closer to the breakthrough. And just when the fighting gets fiercest, I know that God is getting ready to go to battle for me. 

In Exodus 17, we find a blow-by-blow description of an ancient battle between the Israelites and the Amalekites. As long as Moses was lifting up his arms, the Israelites were gaining ground. But when Moses grew tired and lowered his arms, the Israelites lost ground. That’s when Aaron and Hur stood alongside Moses and lifted up his arms until sunset. Spiritual battles are fought the same way. 

The victory is won with knees bent in prayer and hands raised in worship to God. 

The enemy cannot be defeated any other way. 

No victory has ever been won apart from prayer and worship.

Prayer is the pen that writes history. Don’t worry about making headlines; focus on the footnotes. And if you focus on the footnotes, God will write the headlines.

Prayer Focus: Pray for the prayer team at Encounter that they would be the Aaron and Hur team with skin on praying for you, all our attendees, and me. Pray for the final training this Monday night, as we will do a mock service. Pray for my strength, the flu bug has hit me this weekend. 

Be Blessed and Encouraged  

Bill Rieser

Encounter Pastor