Bill Rieser

Who You Are in Christ

Who You Are in Christ

God always calls you someone different than who you call yourself. God always has better thoughts than you could think about for yourself. God has a better plan than you could plan for yourself. God paints a better picture of who you are than you can paint for yourself. And it all starts with an understanding of “who you are in Christ”—what you’re new and true identity in Christ is. 

NorthPark Service

NorthPark Service

The best thing Encounter can do for newcomers checking us out is for all of us to be there to greet them and connect with them! We need to go out of our way and make our newcomers feel warm, loved, welcomed, safe, and connected. This Friday is all about our newcomers, and we need all of Encounter to show up in full force with open arms! 

The Narrow Way

The Narrow Way

Victorious Christians fix their eyes on Jesus and keep walking by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit. They don’t pay attention to deceiving spirits and will not be distracted by them. At first the battle for the mind is intense, but as they continue walking by faith, the narrow path gets broader and broader and the mental assault becomes less as they draw closer to Christ.